Square is the largest business technology platform serving all kinds of businesses. The Square operating system allows business owners to sell anywhere, work more efficiently, manage inventory, communicate with customers, book appointments, course meals, order online, and so much more. These tools unlock endless possibilities and countless opportunities for any operation from global chains to mom-and-pop shops.
4 Million+ worldwide businesses of all kinds including Shake Shack, Credo, Sofi Stadium and Rawlings. Square provides transparent payment processing and flexible hardware and software tools that for managing your businesses in one place throughout every stage of your career.
Key Services & Use Cases
Payment processing: Square offers secure in-person, online and mobile payments so businesses can accept payments wherever their customers are.
Point of sale: Square offers point of sale system that allows businesses in several industries to sell, organize inventory, manage staff and contact customers.
Banking: Square offers checkings, savings, and loans to manage so businesses can manager their money in one all in one place and access it immediately.