Kim Angeli Case Study

“Decimal is a lifeline to me… It’s why I am so loyal.”

See how Kim Angeli worked with Decimal to find better ways to approach taxes and handle all her bookkeeping needs throughout the year with a team of professionals at Decimal.

About Kim Angeli

“Delegate to Elevate”

Kim Angeli is a business and sales strategist who offers consulting services to businesses to help them grow efficiently and capitalize on their strongest networks of advocates. Her unique approach “Grow with Gratitude"™ equips companies to uncover missed opportunities and revenue by giving them the blueprint on how to be unique in a noisy world.  By focusing on her business and identifying the activities that needed to be outsourced to Decimal, Kim mentions that is how she “delegates to elevate.”

Choosing Decimal

With any business, it’s not uncommon to run into a last-minute fire drill to meet a deadline. Unfortunately, Kim’s long-time CPA decided just before the deadline that they would not be able to help file taxes and also mentioned that Kim could potentially owe approximately $45k that year.

Kim knew that she needed to bring on professionals to take care of the taxes and was able to tackle that, as well as the ongoing bookkeeping needs when starting with Decimal. After seeing Decimal as a viable option to avoid missing tax deadlines, the decision was clear. When others asked why not just do it herself, Kim questioned, “What is your time worth? Have you ever calculated your time? How much time did you waste on bookkeeping and taxes last year, and how much time are you gonna waste if it's wrong and you get audited?” Knowing the importance of managing time and working on the activities that drive the best results with her skill set, she knew this would be better to hand over to the professionals at Decimal.

“I have relationships with the Decimal team and my bookkeeper as well as the benefit of technology.”

How Decimal’s Solution Works

Kim knows that working with Decimal is the ideal partnership from not only a time and money perspective but also a mental energy perspective. When comparing strategic work with her clients to the idea of bookkeeping, she commented, “Find out what your time is worth… figure out where it’s worth spending your time and energy and also think about the work on a frustration scale of 0 to 10… or even on a fun scale.” Knowing there is more fulfilling and less frustrating work that will drive her business forward, Kim leaves the bookkeeping and taxes to Decimal to maximize the use of her time. 

With Decimal’s bookkeeping and tax services, Kim knows she can get the necessary numbers to run her business whenever required. She describes, “I can go click, click, click, and pull a P&L or my balance sheet right now… If I called 100 other business owners right now and said I need a copy of their P&L and balance sheet, they wouldn’t be able to get the information as easily.” With key financial information at her fingertips, she never has to spend time trying to find the right financial view. 

Kim goes on to mention that Decimal's responsiveness and support are also why the solution works so well. She recalls, “I can call on the phone and get a human being… I have relationships with the Decimal team and my bookkeeper as well as the benefit of technology. It's this beautiful symphony of an experience, and it gives me back time in my day.”

The Decimal Difference

“It’s easily worth $30k to $40k a year to me”

The most immediate benefit of partnering with Decimal was a greatly reduced tax bill, as the taxes were prepared by a team with a detailed understanding of her books. The previously quoted $45k bill ended up being far from the truth, and Kim actually was able to enjoy a refund for that first year filing taxes with Decimal. She mentions the previous CPA “hadn't done my bookkeeping throughout the year, so that guy was guessing what the potential bill could be.”

Beyond the immediate savings from better-prepared tax filings, Kim noted there is substantially less time spent on bookkeeping within her business. She mentions, “I'd say at least just the bookkeeping is probably a good 100 hours a year that I don’t have to work on personally… When I value my time, that’s easily worth about $30k to $40k a year to me.” Getting to prioritize strategic work and additional time spent with her clients, knowing the books are up-to-date and accurate, makes more sense for her business.

One of the top benefits of working with Decimal, beyond the others mentioned, is that Kim now has a trusted accounting partner who can continue to improve the financial operations of her business and answer any questions that come up. Kim has been working with the Decimal team for over five years and mentions, “I'm a very loyal customer because I feel like I have an advisor and mentor… I have a team of bookkeepers, and I have a team of tax advisors.”When

Kim was asked what she would say to other businesses wondering whether they should outsource their bookkeeping and taxes, she noted, “You need to delegate to elevate to 10x your business. Hire Decimal.” 

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